Have a great weekend!
I will be surprised if I have any followers left, but it's really like a journal for me anyway.
I've been trying to update my Facebook status each day this month with something I am grateful for.
Today's status:
Thankful today for my pupply Paisley. We could not have found a better dog for us.Part blue-grey Beagle, (part terrier of some sort?), she is a valuable member of our family. She's a little OCD but SO smart, has the cutest underbite and even though she sheds(bad)she brings a lot of love and joy into our home. I am so glad we found and rescued her. She's the best thing we ever found on Craig's List.
If you haven't loved a dog, a part of your heart has never been opened.
I saw this cool quote online and added it to a picture of Paisley with Trixie (Jake & Megan's sweet beagle.)I will TRY to come back again before the year is over.
Have a blessed day!
I can hardly believe it has been so long since I posted last! Where do the days go?
We went out to help my aunt get the house ready for him to come home. We had a nice visit, but it is always good to be home!
Incredibly, I took a teenager with me and brought home a 20 year old!Happy Birthday to my sweet Katie!
I love you and I don't know what I would do without you!
It's so easy!
And if you have the box of Bisquick you probably have everything else on hand as well!
But don't be like me and make it 4 times in less than 2 weeks!
Our neighbors own chickens. And I mean all kinds of chickens! Every now and then she gives us eggs. They are so much better than the store bought eggs.
Look at all of the different colors and sizes.
I'll have to see if I can get some pictures of the chickens one of these days.
They are fun to watch too!
Happy Wednesday!
P.S. Please keep my mom in your prayers. She fell and broke her hip yesterday. She had surgery last night to put in a pin and screws. She'll be in the hospital for 7-10 days.
Thank you!
There were 2 brown ones, one with a white face
and 2 black ones, one with a white face.
Aren't they darling? I think baby animals are so cute!!!!
You can complain because roses have thorns,
or you can rejoice because thorns have roses.
I love that quote!
I usually can't get good close-ups with my camera, but this one wasn't too bad.
Kevin brought me home 10 of these roses on Monday for Valentine's Day. They were labeled "Hot Princess". He also gave me a heart shaped Whitman's Sampler of sugar-free chocolates and a scented jar candle.
My husband ROCKS! And I love him so much!