I can hardly believe it has been so long since I posted last! Where do the days go?
My to-do list for today answers that question for me:
Bible Study(check)
Do bills
Write out cards
Send Cards & Bills
Call Furniture Company about broken recliner
Clean stamp room; clear out old cabinet and make room for new cabinet
Find out where to take the million cans I have been crushing & saving
Make salsa for Kevin
Finish Laundry
Work on my TOPS program for Thursday
I sure don't think I will be getting any crafting done today. On the plus side if I get my craft room cleaned today, I might get some projects finished tomorrow. I am currently working on FOUR major projects.
This last weekend I did get some cute little notepads finished for the TOPS girls. I am going to give them out with my program which is also an intervention. Should be interesting!
I just realized that I have not posted any recent pictures of my little punkin! He is growing SO fast. We babysat him last week so mom and dad could go out on a real date. I think it was their first one since Gabe was born. Much deserved. They are such good parents.
Here are a few pics from Tuesday. I wish I had gotten a couple of the bath time in Grandma's sink. And if this post were 4D you would be able to smell that sweet clean baby smell. {{love}}
This last weekend I did get some cute little notepads finished for the TOPS girls. I am going to give them out with my program which is also an intervention. Should be interesting!
I just realized that I have not posted any recent pictures of my little punkin! He is growing SO fast. We babysat him last week so mom and dad could go out on a real date. I think it was their first one since Gabe was born. Much deserved. They are such good parents.
Here are a few pics from Tuesday. I wish I had gotten a couple of the bath time in Grandma's sink. And if this post were 4D you would be able to smell that sweet clean baby smell. {{love}}

He LOVES his puffs. Goes through a LOT of those things. I always try to have a few containers on hand. In this picture he found them in his diaper bag.

I have a standing date with my little prince. Every Thursday I try to go over to Jake and Megan's house and play with Gabe. I didn't make it last week so I spent Friday with Megan and Gabe instead. I love him so.
Well, off to start on that list. Guess I can cross blogging off! Oh darn... it wasn't even on the list!
Have a great day!
Well, off to start on that list. Guess I can cross blogging off! Oh darn... it wasn't even on the list!
Have a great day!