We picked up Brian from the Charlotte, NC airport late Saturday. His flight was delayed by about 1/2 an hour. Not so bad considering the weather they were having in the Midwest.
We got up Sunday and took Brian to the Baptist church we've been attending here in SC. We wrapped presents Sunday afternoon and then played a friendly game of small stakes Poker in the evening. Katie ended up being the big winner there- gave her a little extra Christmas money.
Monday morning Brian and I went to Columbia to do some last minute shopping. Kevin and Katie stayed here in town doing the same thing. I think Kevin is going to Florence today to finish up. I'll be wrapping. I don't have the energy to fight the Christmas crowds so I think I will call it good.
We aren't actually exchanging gifts until Jake and Megan get here on Sunday so I could go out again on Friday or Saturday if need be.
Next year I am decorating with a more rustic "outdoorsy" feel. I've seen some fabulous ornaments and decorations out there, but am waiting until the clearance tags go on to buy! [Well, we did get a start with a Sears/K-Mart voucher (to use on decorations only) we were blessed with.]
I may not be around much the next week or so as I want to thoroughly enjoy my children I don't get to see very often.
But, if you're reading this, I hope you and yours have a WONDERFUL Christmas and experience the true meaning of the day! It's after all, ALL about LOVE!
Merry Christmas!