Monday, November 29, 2010
The Dogs
Trixie LOVES the wood burning stove. She does not like being cold.
Have a good day!!!
Have a good day!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Gabe and the Bumble Ball Jr
Monday, November 15, 2010
Gabe and the Green Monkey
Just Call Me the Coupon Queen!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Supporting the Pink!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Giggling Gabe
Gabe has been smiling from ear to ear and I knew it was just a matter of days before he busted out laughing. He started giggling a little bit when I was playing patty cake with him the other day. But on Monday he busted out with the giggles when Grandpa W found his tickle spot. We all crowded around to listen and it was too late when we got the camera out. But Grandpa made him giggle last night and I caught some of that on camera! It's just too cute not to share.
If you don't smile when you hear this...... well....go back to bed and get up on the OTHER side! :-)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I bet you want to know how THAT happened!
Well, I have always been a city girl. Grew up in the city and never lived outside the city. Kevin and I got a taste of the country life out in South Carolina and LOVED the quiet seclusion and the scenery. We decided the country life was what we wanted!
BUT, nobody explained to me that the country life comes with bugs and mice and ALL KINDS of unwanted things! Now, I don't really think that would have stopped me from buying the cabin. But, I was still a little naive!
Back to the unwanted critters.....
When I moved in and started cleaning the cupboards I noticed a lot of mouse poison was set up. That was clue #1.
Then this last weekend while we were having a yard sale, the neighbor and I started talking. She was saying how the mice were brave and would take over your house when the weather starts getting cooler. And she told me that even though she herself is extremely allergic to cats, she was getting one. She asked if I wanted one. I talked to Kevin about it and we decided to get a cat.
She is an outside cat. She'll stay outside and keep the mice and bugs at bay.
Right now she is in the garage (stinking it up a bit- I will have to clean it).
Later today I am going to open the garage door and let her run around.
She is a very sweet little thing. She came from a farm down the road that had 5 litters of kittens! She is all skin and bones.... and long fur. She is always kneading her front little paws on the ground. And she loves attention.
And I can not for the life of me come up with a name that I LOVE.
Right now, I am thinking of maybe Calico and calling her Cally for short. That was a suggestion from Megan's mom and I like it, but Cally is so close to Alli (my new daughter-in-law).
Another name that was suggested to me is Sugar because she is so sweet. I like that one too.
And then I also thought of Button. But none of these names seem perfect to me.
I am taking suggestions or votes on the above mentioned names! Let me know what you think!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Is It REALLY September?????
Katie and I took a whirlwind trip to Manhattan, Kansas the day before closing to see my sweet little grandson on his birth-day.
I truly know the meaning of "makes my heart melt".