I took my camera along and took a few pictures while the photographer was snapping hers. I know since mine look pretty good, that hers will probably be great! I swooned when I saw her camera. VERY nice.
Here are a few of mine (untouched).

I've been a bad blogger! I'm still alive and kicking... just not blogging!
What's going on? Well, as usual, I have procrastinated on so many things and time just keeps flying! I have been getting up earlier and earlier and there still isn't time in the day to do all of the things I need to do! This morning I got up at 4:30! Seriously!
I've got lots of design work due in the next couple of weeks and since I am leaving for Kansas in ONE WEEK, I have only this week to get it all done!
I had planned on doing Katie's senior pictures myself, but my wonderful amazing aunt and uncle (who are also Katie's Godparents) suggested I get them done professionally and they would help out. SO, I've found a very reasonably priced free-lance photographer and we are getting those done this week. I'll be getting those invitations out as soon as the pictures come back!
And I've also been working on my resume! I've been watching the newspaper and haven't seen any job openings in my field, but I figured it was time to polish up the resume and start the ball rolling. I'm hoping to work part-time and still do my design work on the side. It's what I love, but it just doesn't pay the bills!
And then there are the endless to-do list items.... laundry, cleaning, exercising, meetings, making dinner, getting sunshine, checking email, trips to the post office, bank, pharmacy, doctors, meetings, etc!
WHEW.... There's so much to do!
What have you been up to?
I'll be starting another 10 Day Motivator tomorrow.
If you have a few pounds to lose, now is the time!
Email me if you want to join. (angel2stampATyahooDOTcom)
I'll send you an encouraging email every day for 10 days.
(You can also check out my weight loss blog for these daily motivations.)
At the end of the 10 days whoever has lost the most weight will receive a prize from me. This time I will be sending a handmade journal and some other goodies to the winner.
What do you have to lose?
(Besides WEIGHT?)
After church was the Easter egg hunt.
The twins were adorable!
Then everyone took a nap except for Zach and I. We took a walk on the path behind Peg's house. It's a very scenic walk and I introduced Zach to one of my favorite hobbies- bird watching!
Monday was Katie's birthday.
We went to dinner at "On the Border" and had a little bit of cake later.
I still can't believe she's 18!
I have more pics to share from the rest of the trip. I'll try and get those posted later!
Thank you, Peg, for letting us spend our spring break with your family!