Then yesterday I heard a thump on the window and went to the deck to see which of the birds had the collision. I was surprised to see a little female hummingbird laying flat on her back. We've had all sorts of birds hit the window and sadly, even had one fatality. But, I've never seen it be a hummingbird that ran into the window. They can stop in midair so I didn't expect that at all. I picked her up and placed her in a shoebox so a cat wouldn't happen upon her for his midday meal. I was surprised at how soft she was!!! She was breathing very heavily, but was conscious. I grabbed my camera for a picture. After a few minutes, I went inside to get her a drink. Katie was holding the box and while I was inside, Fiona (as we fondly call her) found the strength to fly away when another hummingbird flew by.
Shelly and IShelley's little boy Ashton was SO cute. I bent down for the picture and so did he.
Here he poses with Katie. Ashton celebrates his 2nd birthday this week. Happy Birthday, Ashton!Shelley, Shay and I at lunch. Forgot to take a pic before Tori and Brittany left.
Thursday was Katie's first day at USC, Sumter. She labeled the day a SUCCESS. I was kinda sad to take my baby to college. Time REALLY flies. It's hard to believe she's already old enough to go to college.
Friday evening was a date night for Kevin and I. He had planned it for a few weeks...just told me to keep my night free for him. We went to the NCO Club at the base where they The Shaw Community Theatre performed a special Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre- Murder at Rutherford House. It was the third time that Kevin and I have been to one. This one was really good too. I wish I had brought my camera! I correctly solved the crime and guessed who the murderers were. But it came down to the tie breaker questions and I got one wrong. I did receive a certificate for Runner-Up. And I had a blast.
Saturday we got tires for Katie's car. Kevin put her plates on and Katie washed it, so now the Grand Am is road ready. Hopefully Katie will be getting her driver's license this week and driving herself to school. Brian also got a car this week. Using the "Cash for Clunkers" program, he is the proud new owner of a Chevrolet Cobalt. We are looking forward to seeing him and his girlfriend Alli in October when they fly in for the weekend!
I'm looking forward to a quieter week this week. Maybe some time to stamp. Gonna go clean now!
The couch and loveseat both have built-in recliners. Kevin and I are really enjoying putting our feet up in the evenings to watch TV. In 24 years, we've never had a recliner. Now we have 5!
I had to reschedule a dentist appointment. Katie and I are taking a very short road trip. We are going to Georgia for a couple of days next week to visit some dear friends of ours there. I can't wait to see them.
Katie starts back to school next week. We're still looking for a car for her. She's getting pretty good at driving, but she says they make you parallel park to get your license here and she'll need to work on that.
I'm really getting my miles in.
Feels good. And I am drinking lots of water, keeping my calorie intake under 1400. I WILL get some weight off. (I hope.)
If you've read this, leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you!
We've also had lots of deer in the backyard and even some in the middle of the day. There are even babies with lots of spots. We put a coffee can of corn out every night. They are used to Kevin now and when he goes out to smoke they usually stay out there eating the corn.
We did go visit Peggy and family a couple of weeks ago... a last minute trip since Kevin was on leave and it was Peggy's birthday. It just made sense to go see them and take advantage of living within a day's drive. We were able to go to Busch Gardens thanks to the "Salute to Heroes" program. We got in FREE and had lots of fun. However, we rode the rides, got wet and then the sun went away and it started sprinkling. Go figure.
Our living room furniture is horribly uncomfortable and Kevin has gotten to the point of not being able to stand sitting on it to watch TV at night. It hurts his back so much. So, I think we are planning on looking for furniture this weekend.
Next weekend I'll have a booth at the community yard sale downtown. I hope to sell a lot of my unwanted craft supplies and stamps. Wish me luck.
Have a fabulous weekend and enjoy what's left of your summer. I hope to get back to blogging one of these days!
(Pictures being added as I have time.)